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Privacy Statement

1. Which personal Data is collected and what happens with it?

a) Explicite collected Data.
We need the eMail Address of a Customer in order to fulfill contractual Obligations, for example the Activation of a License.
This is based on Article 6(1) lit. b GDPR.
Explicite collected personal Data will be used for specified Purposes only. Consequently, this Data will neither be used for Advertising nor handed over to third Parties without explicite Consent of the Customer if not forced by Demands of Contract Management, criminal Prosecution or any other legal Obligation.
Explicite collected personal Data will be deleted if no longer necessary for the intended Purpose or other legal Obligations.
The latter is based ob Articl 6(1) lit. c GDPR.
Therefore the eMail Address of a Customer will be deleted as soon as the Customer releases us from further Fullfillment of our contractual Obligations provided that any statutory Retention Period is expired.

b) Implicite collected Data.
In order to preserve our legitimate Interests to maintain proper Functionality of our Websites and to fix Malfunctions in a timely Fashion we store Connection Data (e.g. IP Adresses) in Server Logfiles.
Legal Basis is Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR.
These Data will commonly be removed automatically after a few Days, if not inhibited by criminal Prosecution or prohibited by legal Obligations. The precise Retention Time depends on technical Requirements and Conditions.
No Linkage with explicite Data according to 1.a) is performed.

c) Not collected Data
Our Websites won't perform Tracking by Cookies or dedicated Tools.

2. Additional Informations

Basically You have following Rights regarding your personal Data stored by us:

Any Use of this Rights is subject to a sufficient Identification.
The Rights of Erasure, Object, Restriction and Rectification are in present Case basically applicable as described in 1. above.
The limited Recording of implicite Data according to 1.b) is mandatory to continue our Business. Consequently there is no Right to Object concerning this Data.

3. Responsibility

LHPro UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
DataProtection Official: Lutz Hesse
Address: Fahrenheitstr.6, 12207 Berlin, Germany
Contact: mail[at]lhsbs[dot]de
Phone: +49 (30) 12088253
Fax: +49 (30) 86328394
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